Thursday, March 31, 2005

Direct X 9 installation problem

After a long time, I decided to play games and was struggling to install direct X 9 on my XP for playing some demo games. Great windows wouldn't allow me to install this driver. I said, the software did not pass Windows Logo testing. Now this gives you no direct clue about what the real problem would be.

After doing some googling, I found that this logo testing is the check that windows XP does so that only the softwares intended for this OS version will be installed. In the past versions such mismatches would cause only warnings, but now they are banned.

Then doing some more googling made me understand that the XP's version is subject to the installation of security patches. So first I tried uninstalling the patches that were previously installed by 'windows update', hoping that this will downgrade the OS version, and maybe that will match the version expected for the direct X driver. (This naive random trick did however fixed another problem of mine - detection of my Windows optical desktop after each reboot and prompt for reinstalling drivers for it.)

Then I checked the direct X website of Microsoft and found that there is one security patch associated with it - numbered 839643.

After installing this patch, I could install the direct X 9 successfully.

Such errors from the OS should give the exact cause of occurence. Failing to do so, is very serious UI flaw. Why didn't the installer for DirectX 9 had information about the security patches it needs? In the first place, installation of security patches (which has become quite frequent process in for Windows platform) should not make it incompatible with new software installations - and that too for superfluous reasons (version mismatch?).

Sunday, March 27, 2005

car wallpapers

Very good site for car wallpapers

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

warning: const is a keyword in ANSI C

While moving to compiler on Solaris machine if you encounter this warning

"warning: const is a keyword in ANSI C"

Check you this site:

" You should be aware that Solaris comes with two compilers, namely, /opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/bin/cc and /usr/ucb/cc. The latter compiler is non-ANSI. Indeed, it is a perverse shell script that calls the real compiler in non-ANSI mode. In order to compile FFTW, change your path so that the right cc is used."

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Not much on L4 front

I am not working much on L4 for last couple of weeks. Have been reading 'Coalscent', now getting bored of it.

After I got my system up with Fedora Core 3 and fighting a lot with gcc versions, I have run into this problem with grub. Now when I install grub 0.90 - the one modified for L4, it gets to the command prompt mode and not the usual grub menu. I don't know how to boot from command prompt. I am sure though, that the solution to this must be very trivial and I haven't worked on it out of sheer laziness for past few days.

I wish I get over these small hurdles soon and get to do some programming on L4.

Meanwhile, got hold of a superb game...... guess which one..... 'njam'..... windows version of PacMAN :)))))))))).