Saturday, November 24, 2012

Coffeescript: To switch or not to switch

For a long time during the development of 3DTin I was toying with the idea of switching to Coffeescript ("CS" henceforth) from Javascript ("JS" henceforth). I was looking for a comprehensive guide about what are the pros and cons for such move. I didn't find any such document at the time. Now I have been using CS on-and-off for 3DTin in past 6 months. I have learnt a lot about the potential benefits and pitfalls of CS. This blog post is a collection of what I've learnt. Hopefully it will benefit those who are wondering whether to jump the boat. But note that, my experiences are not conclusive. I am still not sure that complete switch to CS is a good thing for every JS project.

Let's get started...

Coffeescript is not a language

A better characterization of CS is a set of preprocessor macros (think of C preprocessor). It's just that Coffeescript is such a complete set of macros that it can pass as a language. It's more like a shorthand for JS. Why is it important to think it like this? For two reasons:

1. You cannot get away from learning (or better mastering) Javascript. One of CS's design goals is to stay as close to JS as possible and not implement language features that JS cannot natively support. That means even if you use CS everywhere in your project, you should have good understanding of JS.

2. You can use CS alongside JS. Since CS is merely a shorthand for JS, some files in your project can be written in CS, while other are written in plain JS. That helps in adopting CS in already big Javascript codebase, like ours.

If you call Coffeescript a language written on top of Javascript, many people right away assume it's bound to be slower than corresponding Javascript (which is never true). (Do C preprocessor macros inherently make the generated C code slower? Not unless they are defined so)

The iterations

Iterating is something we do so many times. Therefore writing "for(int i=0, l=arr.length; i<l; i++) { ... }" every time is very painful, especially if you are used to Python's way of iteration "for obj in arr: ...".

In pure JS you have to use the long form for incantation. There is `forEach` in modern JS implementations, but who knows in which browser it breaks in what way. Our solution for this problem is underscore.js's _.each function. It is everywhere in our code.

Only recently however I realised, that liberal use of _.each can lead to significant slow downs. If the loop count is very large compared to the time spent in the body of the loop, you will see clear improvement in speed by using old-fashing for loop instead of _.each. CS gives you a compact way of iterating over an array and it automatically converts it to the most efficient JS code for doing it.

This iteration in CS
translates to this in JS

Best of both the worlds.

Named arguments

Naming the arguments is the best way to implicitly document the source code.

Moreover, in an ever-evolving environment the function signatures keep changing very often. If you rely on positional arguments, every time you add a new argument to the function, you have to check all the places from where it's already being invoked and check that the new argument doesn't break them. In JS, most of the times such new arguments are optional for the logic of the function, i.e. they can be undefined. Therefore they can normally added at the end of the argument list, so that the existing invocations won't need any change. For example, your current function signature is function foo(arg0, arg1). You decide to accept another optional argument newArg. You can change definition of foo to function foo(arg0, arg1, newArg). All the existing invocations of foo won't have to be changed, provided the body of foo handles newArg being undefined properly. But what if it makes sense to add newArg before arg0?

In such circumstances, it helps to have named arguments. JS doesn't support them.

For that matter CS also doesn't support them seamlessly, but it's easy enough to do. You can also add a line of code to gracefully define default value for an argument.
I learnt this trick from this Stackoverflow question.

Built-in classes

There are many ways to define Classes in JS, because they aren't natively supported. We use Base.js in 3DTin. With CS, classes are supported as part of language definition. You can define your classes in a more familiar OO syntax without worrying about all the black-magic with prototypes.

Avoids variable leaking

In JS it's very easy to forget to add var before a variable, resulting in that variable getting defined in global namespace. Do not think that creating scopes with (function() { ... })() blocks is going to help. It helps only if you define the variable with var, then it won't be visible outside that scope. But if you forget to add var, it will leak and will get defined as member of the window object. Here's a proof.

In CS you don't have to worry about explicitly declaring any variables. The CS compiler automatically generates the necessary var declarations for all the variables you use. IMO this is one of the biggest advantages of CS.

this. becomes @

In object oriented JS code, you are always going to access members of the class from inside it using this. prefix. If there was a more compact way to do this, it could save a lot of keystrokes and source code real-estate. CS designers realized that and have provided a shorthand for this usage.

The Fat arrow

There are lots of callback functions in typical JS code. Classes are also functions in JS. That leads to a problem with the use of this keyword sometimes. Inside the body of a function, this refers to the context of that function. Inside the body of a function that is part of a prototype, this context is the instance of the object. Therefore if you have written this, inside a callback function body, that is defined inside a prototype member function, which is it going to point to? It points to the callback function's context. But many times you assume it's referring to the instance of the object. This is a common mistake a  developer makes while starting with JS. If you want to refer to the instance of the object from inside the callback function, then this is the solution for it.

CS Fat arrow notation lets you write this in a more compact manner.

The use of fat arrow => automatically tells CS compiler to define a reference to outer context, so that the code inside the closure body can use simple @ notation and still resolve to the right context. We have such pattern all over the code. It's easy to imagine then how cleaner our CS code looks than the original implementation.

return is not necessary

CS automatically adds a return wherever it deems it necessary (and also unnecessary). This is a huge benefit while writing functional code.

You can write
instead of

String formatting

Are you tired of writing
CS makes it easy for you.

Parenthesis during function calls - can be skipped (almost)

CS lets you skip Parenthesis during function invocations. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. It can make your code look more beautiful, but its overuse can make it confusing. Also the skipping rules are not consistent. Take a look.

Braces and commas for dictionaries - can be skipped

Similar to parenthesis, you don't have to use braces while defining dictionaries / maps / objects. CS will automatically infer their structure based on context or indentation. This contributes a lot towards cleaning up redundant tokens from your source. If you are going to put each name-value pair on new line, you can get rid of commas too.

Translates to

Spanning source lines

Since CS infers a lot of things from indentation, when you try to break a long line of source into multiple lines, you can trigger compilation failures or at worse mis-interpretation.

In closing
In past 6 months I have used CS for all new source code and rewritten some JS code in CS if it made sense. I clearly saw certain benefits, but also some pitfalls. Not sure which path I will continue on. But I hope this post will help you make your own decisions.

It's of enormous help to have a continuously running watch script that compiles coffeescript files as you save them. I've written such script that watches all coffee, jade and less.css files in a directory tree and compiles them as soon as they change. You can find it here.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The single most reason that keeps me using Vim

I've wanted to use all new and cool Code editors that have come around in past few years. Many times I have switched to them determinedly, only to switch back to Vim after a few days. All the fancy features that I see in the screencasts of these code editors are irresistibly inviting. Yet I can't let go of Vim. After thinking a lot about it, I think it boils down to one single reason.

The h-j-k-l-b-e and Ctrl+w, Ctrl+u, Ctrl+d key sequences.

These are key sequences for moving around inside a code window and then switching between multiple code windows. They are what I use the most in Vim (except for typing actual text). Over years my muscles have deeply memorized these keyboard movements. Every other code editor forces me to use arrow keys or mouse to do these navigations. I cannot get used to it even if I try it for a month. Therefore I switch back to Vim.

Of course I diligently install the Vim emulation plugins that come with the respective new code editor I am trying. But the code navigation key sequences are so frequently used that even a slightest departure from the original Vim behavior creates a lot of cognitive friction.

I'm not saying that h-j-k-l is the most intuitive way to do code navigation, but once your fingers memorize those movements it seems impossible to find anything else that can feel as satisfactory.

Water from air

It's fascinating how a really simple idea can change life as we know it. Today I read this news via slashdot about a new startup NBD nano, that is building a device that can extract water from air. The most interesting part is its implications and applications.

we can somehow have a way to tap into one of the largest reservoirs of water, and that being the air
And we see this being applicable to anything from marathon runners to people in third world countries, because we realize that water is such a large issue in the world today
We’re actually investigating a type of device that can be used for drip irrigation. And we are looking to incorporate this in greenhouses or green roofs in the immediate future
We actually see the maritime environment as really a very large market for us because humidity is actually constantly regenerated over a large body of water and then we can pull that humidity from the air to support people who possibly take long trips on yachts, or provide a sort of potable water source that can be run off a solar panel while at sea.
And the underlying technology seems convincing. Amazing stuff!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Time travel fiction

This year I read two very gripping thriller novels based on Time Travel.

First one was back in January. 11/22/63 By Stephen King

and recently the twin tomes Black Out and All Clear by Connie Willis.


They belong more appropriately to thriller genre than Science fiction, despite the Time travel theme.

Building a huge plot where the timelines and characters are interwoven brilliantly is quite a challenging task. Adding time travel to it makes it even more interesting. Not to mention the awkward paradoxes that arise in the Universe where time travel is possible.

Both (actually all three) novels, are highly recommended if you like reading stories that keep you at the edge of your seat most of the time. Last sentence of almost every chapter is bound to surprise you. (My personal observation: Such novels are really good to improve your reading speed)

In 11/22/63 Stephen King tells the story from a man's point of view who has found a portal through time that opens in the past - more accurately in the year 1958. The entire novel is based on this man's attempt to exploit this portal in order to stop the Kennedy Assassination in 1963. King's description of the America in 60's is very inviting (if only we knew of such portal). The ups and downs in the whole novel keep you entertained all of the time. Here is one of my favorite quotes:

"I saw that most of the passengers were smoking. The atmosphere in there must have been roughly akin to the atmosphere on Saturn" [in reference to popularity of smoking in the 60's]

Black Out and All Clear are two novels continuing the same storyline. The story is about a group of students of history from the year 2060, who travel back to the years of World War II, to study the history first hand (as part of their research assignments) and get trapped in the past. The narration of London during the entire period of war is quite fascinating. The characters of the story live through the London bombings because their portals back to their time stop working for some reason.

Although in 11/22/63, Stephen King has conveniently dumbed down the paradoxical implications of time travels; Connie Willis bravely weaves her story on top of them. Of course no one can give foolproof resolution for the impossible issues that arise with the concept of time travel. However Connie has been fairly successful in building a maze of mysteries and then using her flavor of Time travel theory to explain those mysteries satisfactorily. You have to admire how much work she must have put into these two novels.

Highly recommended.