Saturday, October 01, 2005

Curtains for Windows

This is about two new tools I found that are supposed to enhance the Windows experience.

Despite lots of windows bashing, it remains the fact that it is the operating system of a layman. But that doesn't give MS any excuse not to improve upon the UI. According to me, one of the biggest shortcomings of Windows desktop is it's lack of support for multiple workspaces. It is such handy utility to have that it is inexcusable not to provide that with Windows desktop. Thanks to Linux desktop developers (or whoever invented this notion before linux) for supporting this utility in GNOME,KDE desktops.

Fortunately one does not have to stop for the MS to provide this utility in the OS. Third party tools have been around that give you this experince on Windows desktop as well. I had used Exceed's multiple workspaces feature and was using it for a short while (soon I switched to linux through VNC). Yesterday I found this tool Virtuawin that gives you this feature and with enormous control over your UI experience. You can have any number of virtual desktops in any layout XxY. The switching between desktops can be done using mouse, keyboard. You also have a say on where your mouse pointer will be after you switch. A tiny icon in taskbar is used in most intuitive ways possible. I however did not run it with lots of windows open - to test the performance.

The other tool I found was Task Switcher. When you press Alt+Tab this utility overrides the default bar at the center of screen by a window, with the list of running applications. Sadly it doesn't work well with my WindowsBlinds. I like linux's temporary window raising utility over Windows flat bar. This particular tool might fulfill that need of Windows users.

I found these utilities from an article posted on /.. It has few more tools as well.

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