Saturday, October 18, 2008

Has it started?

The recession!

Elon Musk's post on taking the Tesla Motors' chair
These are extraordinary times. The global financial system has gone through the worst crisis since the Great Depression, and the effects are only beginning to wind their way through every facet of the economy. It’s not an understatement to say that nearly every business will be impacted by what has unfolded in the past weeks, and this is true for Silicon Valley as well.

Mark Shuttleworth's post on the financial crisis
The term “credit crunch” is very misleading for the current crisis. It suggests that the problem is merely one of confidence, that calm will return if liquidity is introduced to the system.
My view, though, is that the real issue is one of solvency. This is the systemic bankruptcy of 2008.
Mortgages are just the beginning.

Paul Graham's post yesterday
The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid seventies.
When Microsoft and Apple were founded.
As those examples suggest, a recession may not be such a bad time to start a startup......

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